– Castiglione delle Stiviere

Valley Wetland

The Valle wetland, due to its size and state of conservation, is of considerable natural and landscape importance. Located at 115 meters above sea level, it represents the largest wetland in the municipal area with a total extension of approximately 40 hectares. Inside the area there is a body of water. Although it can currently be considered a habitat in its own right, it is part of a larger ecosystem once made up of numerous wetlands inserted in the surrounding hilly woods. It is characterized by a rich mosaic of hygrophilous and aquatic vegetation. The prevalent communities are the reedbeds of Phragmites australis (the common reed) and the sedges of Carex elata and C. acutiformis. Furthermore, of particular interest are the shrubby formations of Salix cinerea (Gray willow), the strips of riparian vegetation of Sparganium erectum, Carex riparia and Typha latifolia. The water bodies present are poorly colonised, although it was possible to identify nuclei of submerged Ranunculus circinatus vegetation and annual vegetation of Bidentetea tripartitae. Also of primary importance are the hygro-mesophilic grasslands dominated by Carex tomentosa and Poa trivialis which host one of the main populations of Viola elatior at a national level. Species considered endangered (en) B2ab (i, iii, iv, v), included in the national Red List and included among the protected species by L.R 10/2008 (Lombardy Reg. Office Bull., 2010). In general, the flora of the area includes many plants of exceptional biogeographical value, among others we remember: Alisma lanceolatum, Eleocharis palustris, Teucrium scordium and Veronica anagalloides. Of new note is the identification, during 2014, of some individuals of Lythrum junceum, a new species for the Lombardy Region.

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