– Cavriana

The Necropolis of the Strada Cavallara

Strada Cavallara, still used today, is an ancient road layout which in Roman times connected to the west with the via Brescia – Mantua and to the east with the via Postumia. As happened on the most important streets, the rural population also began to bury their deceased on the sides of the road in two cemetery areas used between the 1st and 3rd centuries. A.D.
The first, in the Monte Breda area, consisted of over one hundred and fifty cremation tombs of heterogeneous typologies. Among the grave goods there were elements of sealed pottery, gray and thin-walled pottery, numerous lamps, excellently made balsam jars, glass objects and coins illustrating the succession of the most important emperors from Augustus to Severus Alexander.
The second necropolis instead came to light a few hundred meters to the east: twenty tombs – simple ustrina in bare earth – with poorer grave goods and utensils typical of pastoral communities.

Good to know

How to get

Str. Cavallara, 6, 46040 Cavriana MN