– Ponti Sul Mincio

The Battle of Monte Casale

Between 29 and 30 April 1945, what is considered the last battle fought on Italian soil took place in Monte Casale, in the territory of Ponti sul Mincio. The partisans of the Italian Brigade and the Avesani Brigade, together with the Arditi of the IX assault unit, clashed with a German Flak unit placed in defense on the top of a hill between Peschiera del Garda and Monzambano. During the Battle of Monte Casale, five brave men fell, the American soldier Robert Carlson, and four partisans. At the end of the battle, the commander of the German unit, a seriously wounded young lieutenant, and the rest of the company were captured. The bodies of eight Germans were found in the trenches, some killed at the hands of the lieutenant himself because they had tried to surrender.

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