– Monzambano

Stilt houses of Castellaro Lagusello

The small lake of glacial origin of Castellaro Lagusello (now privately owned) has been a center of attraction for the population since the Neolithic period. However, the first stable settlements date back to the Bronze Age, when two stilt dwellings arose on the western (Tacoli fund) and eastern (Pezzalunga fund) banks of the reservoir, the subject of partial archaeological investigations. The inhabited area behind Tacoli, recently included in the list of UNESCO World Heritage Sites, developed at the beginning of the Middle Bronze Age and was continuously frequented until the advanced stages of the Recent Bronze Age (XVI – XIII century BC). The construction of the village was preceded by a complex reclamation operation: the discovery of part of the wooden plank on which the houses were placed was also of extraordinary interest. The different styles of the ceramics found document the life phases of the settlement: the refined black pottery, sometimes polished, is gradually replaced by coarser vessels dating back to the Recent Bronze Age. The metallurgical activity is demonstrated by artefacts and processing tools, while the numerous Nordic amber beads, tin beads and some metal objects attest to contacts with cultures beyond the Alps.
For the Pezzalunga site, the opening of exploratory surveys has so far only made it possible to document the presence of a further extensive settlement coeval with the Tacoli village in the background.

Good to know

How to get

Castellaro Lagusello, 46040 Monzambano MN