– Lonato del Garda

Palazzo Zambelli

The building has seventeenth-century origins and is the current seat of the Lonato Civic Library, full of over 30,000 modern works for public reading admitted for loan.

On the main floor of the building it is possible to admire the gallery of stuccos and mirrors, and in the adjacent rooms there are splendid frescoes created at the beginning of the 18th century by Alessandro Campi, the major pupil of the Venetian painter Andrea Celesti.

On the ceiling of the first room it is possible to recognize Phoebus Apollo, a young man with a red cloak, with the allegorical figures of the four seasons: Spring decorated with white and red roses, Summer dressed in yellow characterized by a sheaf of ears of corn, Autumn with her dress decorated with bunches of grapes and vine leaves, Winter crowned with evergreen laurel leaves and with an olive branch in her hand.

In the second room allegories of the four continents are recognizable and in the central medallion the scene is presumed to depict an allegory regarding the origin of the universe, with representations of Day, Night and the different phases of light.

The colorful quadratures where there are columns, arches, festoons, flower vases, gates, balustrades, statues, painted exedras, create a suggestive effect of optical illusionism.

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