– Lonato del Garda

Museum “The Abbey of Maguzzano”

The museum itinerary, located on the first floor of the south wing of the cloister, is divided into 14 sections, each of which illustrates a “strong theme” following a chronological flow through the centuries.
The ethnographic materials, archaeological finds and historical and artistic testimonies, which have always been “scattered” within the monastic complex, are placed in a well-defined gallery, with the aim of exhibiting and narrating the different historical phases, from the Roman Age to the Contemporary, in which the Abbey itself, in addition to playing an important religious and cultural role, was, and partly still is, a center for the promotion and rural development of a vast territory.

Access to the museum is permitted only with a guided tour, at the following times:
Individuals and/or groups without reservation:
Every Sunday at 4pm

Individuals and/or groups by reservation:
Every day of the week, except closing days

January 1st, Easter, Christmas


Good to know

How to get

Abbazia benedettina di Maguzzano, Via Maguzzano, 4, Lonato BS