– Ponti sul Mincio

Mincio Park: nature, culture, art and history between Garda and the Po

Protected area established by the Lombardy Region in 1984, the Mincio Park extends across the territory of 13 municipalities in the province of Mantua along the Mincio, an emissary river which, from lower Garda to the Po, travels 73 kilometers crossing the Garda Morainic Hills to the north and the Po Valley up to the mouth of the Po. It is one of the first parks created in Lombardy in 1984 and the management of the area is entrusted to a body made up of the coastal municipalities and the Province of Mantua.
The Mincio Park carries out its protection and valorization activities in an area that includes three Nature Reserves and four Sites of the European Natura 2000 Network. These are true treasure chests of biodiversity that contain unique habitats and ecosystems: among these, the wetlands of the Mincio, Vallazza and Chiavica del Moro valleys are the perfect habitat for herons, egrets, night herons, marsh harriers and numerous other protected species; the Castellaro Lagusello nature reserve rises around a small heart-shaped lake overlooked by the medieval village, in the embrace of the Morainic Hills.
Two visitor centers are operational in the park: in Rivalta, where an ancient rural building overlooking a bend in the river houses the Ethnographic Museum of River Crafts, and in Bertone Park, a forest-garden made up of centuries-old trees from all over the world , where there is a white stork reintroduction centre.
The organization carries out an intense activity of environmental education for schools and promotion of ecotourism: in collaboration with numerous associations and operators in the area, it organizes guided excursions on foot, by canoe, by bicycle, by boat along itineraries that allow the discovery of monumental beauties, works that are the fruit of human ingenuity, landscapes uniquely shaped by nature and principals of the typical gastronomy of the Mincio territories.
The Park’s activity is important and strategic in terms of works aimed at enhancing the territory, reforestation to implement the Lombard regional ecological network, and the creation of cycle and pedestrian paths, rest areas, piers, observation points, paths and connecting routes between the inhabited centers and the river. There is also a consistent commitment to preserving the ecosystem of the Mincio Valleys and the quality of the river waters, through the complex designs incorporated into the Mincio River Contract, which involves over 60 public and private entities in the redevelopment of the river basin.
The surveillance activity of the territory is of great importance: the Park’s Volunteer Ecological Guards ensure continuous control of the protected area and their service allows us to combat havoc and detect infringements committed against the environment.

All the information to learn about the protected area of the Mincio Park, the organization’s activities and events are available on the sites www.parcodelmincio.it and www.facebook.com/parcodelmincio
In addition to the Facebook page, the social communication of the Mincio Park takes place through Instagram (@visitmincio) and Twitter (@ParcoMincio).


There are no timetables or entrance gates to visit the Mincio Park. The protected area has a very large territorial extension, 16 thousand hectares between Garda and Po, along the 73 kilometers of river that crosses 13 municipalities including Ponti sul Mincio.
In the territory of Ponti sul Mincio the protected area extends from the borders of the town to the river. The environmental redevelopment of the area in La Palude with the planting of rows and fruiting shrub species, containment of weeds and alien species, creation of a catwalk. Given the naturalistic value of the area, in order to facilitate its use, the crossing gate was made safe and the connection with the Mantua-Peschiera cycle route was reopened.


1. Cycle to Mantua or Peschiera del Garda, following the “Mantova-Peschiera” cycle path which can also be traveled on foot. From the cycle path follow the branches towards the towns of Volta Mantovana, Monzambano and Ponti sul Mincio and visit their castles and historic centres.
2. Visit the vineyards of the Colli Morenici del Garda in the Alto Mincio, with a tour of the cellars, in autumn.
3. Check the proposals for naturalistic excursions periodically proposed by the Park Authority.

Good to know

How to get

Consorzio del Parco del Mincio – Sede Piazza Porta Giulia, 10, 46100 Mantova MN