– Ponti sul Mincio

Excursions and visits to the area

To discover Ponti sul Mincio it is possible to take advantage of the professionalism, preparation and passion of the guys from the “Ponti si Racconta” group who for years have been accompanying visitors to discover the naturalistic and historical aspects of our country.
Their words will bring to life facts, events and anecdotes from the past.

Guided tours are available by reservation only.

To always be updated on event programs, initiatives and activities organized by the group, you can follow their Instagram and Facebook pages and the brand new website is active.
For more info and reservations email: info.pontisiracconta@gmail.com.

“Alla scoperta di Ponti” the “Ponti si Racconta” group created this beautiful video to show the beauties of our country.

Good to know