– Lonato del Garda


In the Garda Morenic Hills area, the production of two DOP cheeses, Grana Padano and Provolone Valpadana, is consolidated.
The ancient dairy tradition continues today through the production of “Formaggella di Tremosine”, a soft cheese, and “Garda”, a semi-soft hard and semi-cooked cheese which, depending on its maturation, can be eaten as a meal or grated. During the mountain pasture period at Cima Rest, in Valvestino, “Tombea”, a mountain cheese with incomparable characteristics, is produced by a handful of cheesemakers. It is highly appreciated for its gastronomic qualities and its authenticity.
We cannot talk about cheeses without mentioning Grana Padano, one of the most popular cheeses among typical Italian products.

Good to know