– Cavriana

Celts and Romans: The Site of Galeazzo – Jüdes

In addition to a necropolis with grave goods attributable to the intermediate phases of Po Valley Celticism (3rd – 2nd century BC) found in the locality of Canne, the Gallic presence near Lake Castellaro is demonstrated by the discovery in the locality of Galeazzo, on a hilly cordon south of the ‘invasion of three cremation tombs dating back to the 1st century. B.C. One of these returned a rich collection with materials that highlight the Romanization process of the northern regions but also ornamental objects and weapons that testify to the peculiarities of the Celtic populations. A few tens of meters from the tombs there must also have been a sacred area where a small cult shrine dedicated to Mercury was built in Roman times, with a brick roof with a decorative terracotta frieze supported by four corner pillars.

Good to know

How to get

Str. Cavallara, 14, 46040 Cavriana MN